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Behind the Scenes of The Hunger Games

I watched a behind the scenes video about The Hunger Games. They use many special effects in this movie. The video mainly focused on the scenes in the woods in the arena. A most likely way for an actor to get hurt was to trip and fall while running through the woods, so they made sure to build a running track like path through the woods for them to run on so they couldn't trip. They would also mark certain trees so they would know which ones to run in between. Also I included a picture of one of the many many cameras that they were using because I just think that it must have been so difficult to get that whole set up into the forest every single day to film. They talked about how they filmed in North Carolina, and how when they filmed and the actors had to run and do fighting scenes it was very hot. The location scout had to find a place that had a forest, waterfalls, and a big open field.










In the videos, the actors talk about how there was ‘instant comradery’ and that there were ‘no issues on set’, which is really rare. This is referring to the actors, and not necessarily with the filming. The one problem they talked about in the video was trying to create the fire that Jennifer Lawrence had to run through. They didn’t want it all to be special effects, but it had to be safe. They spent a lot of time planning and testing out how they would do this, but in the end they built a real 20 foot fire wall using propane that she ran through.









When they show behind the scenes footage of them filming and then show the finished clip, there is a huge difference in the color and lighting. Next time I am editing I will definitely play around with the color correcting stuff more because this looks really great!







One example of using green screens in The Hunger Games they showed was at the opening parade in the capital, they use to supplement a crowd and the background. They also had to practice the fighting scenes over and over again and get takes of the actors fighting and takes of the stunt doubles fighting.

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