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Cinema Critique of New Year's Eve

One of my favorite movies is New Years Eve, it’s super cheesy but I love it. I choose the opening scene to critique. Before we watched the video from Taylor in class and talked about the process of filming a few second shoot of cars driving through the city, I’d never really thought about that. In just the first minute, there’s several shoots of the city around Christmas time, so they must have spent lots of time going around the freezing cold city during the busiest time of the year to get those one second shots. They also have a line of New York City police cars. The thing about the whole movie and especially this scene that amazed me was that they had to film it all in a few months, and the fact that the whole movie takes place on one day, so everything in the city that says the date and time has to be the same thing, and the weather had to all be the same. Also they show lots of extras wearing things for the new year, and they didn't film it on the new year. For all the scenes that take place in time square, they needed thousands of extras, in the light and mostly in the dark, and they used the New Years eve ball! They must have had to do so much to gather all those people, set up barricades, have police there(or actors) and be able to use the actual ball and have the lights not work for the majority of the movie. 

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