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For my first plushie video, I just walked all around school with my friend filming our plushies doing funny/cute things. It was the first time I've used a video camera so I was mostly just getting used to turning it on and off and trying to keep it steady and in focus. It was also my first time using Final Cut, I have used iMovie before but this had a lot more editing tools that I experimented with. 

For my second plushie video, I started by making a storyboard. The story I wanted to create was my plushie walking through the halls and a small plushie bumps into it, and so my plushie beat it up. Then a teacher steps in and separates them and drags plushie to Mr. Cirelis room. It was a lot easier and efficient to film then the first one, because I knew exactly where I needed to go and what shoots I wanted. Editing was also a bit easier but still tricky, since I’ve used Final Cut before now but it was still a bit confusing. I had Audrey help me make this video, she played the teacher and moved the plushies around for me. I also spent one class help[ing Katie and Audrey by doing the same thing. I added many sound effects to my video, but the one I could not find was “da, da, daaaaaaa” which I wanted at the end when the plushie was sitting in Mr. Cirelli's office.

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